Wednesday, August 8, 2007



by Colonel Donn de Grand-Pre
(US Army - Ret.)
October 2001

A dedicated group of experienced civilian and military pilots, including combat fighter pilots and commercial airline captains, just finished a marathon 72 hours of non-stop briefings and debate over the current crisis evolving from the use of commercial aircraft as cruise missiles against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September.
The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation against the United States, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles, and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.
As a tactical military exercise against two significant targets (world financial center and the citadel of world strategic military planning), the attack, from a psychological impact on the American public, equaled the Japanese "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor, on Dec 07, 1941.
The over-riding question is: If we are at war, who is the enemy?
The group determined that the enemy is within the gates, that he has infiltrated into the highest policy-making positions at the Federal level, and has absolute control, not only of the purse strings, but of the troop build-up and deployment of our military forces, including active, reserve and National Guard units.

The 9-11 activity and horrific destruction of US property and lives was intentionally meant to trigger a psychological and patriotic reaction on the part of the US citizens, which is paving the way for "combined UN activity" (using the fig leaf of NATO) for striking key targets in both the Middle East/ South Asia and the Balkans. The goal continues to be ultimate destruction of all national sovereignty and establishment of a global government.
The trigger for the 9-11 activity was the imminent and unstoppable world-wide financial collapse, which can only be prevented (temporarily) by a major war, perhaps to become known as WW 111. To bring it off (one more time), martial law will probably be imposed in the United States.
In each of the major wars of the 20th century, the financial manipulators (located in the City of London and New York City) had placed the US (and much of the Western world) in a monetary expansion mode, followed by an ever-tightening vice of a gigantic credit squeeze.
We now have two ongoing and tightly controlled simultaneous events (emanating from the two symbolic targets of 911:
1) Alan Greenspan, Fed chairman, promising to flood the market with up to $200 billion in FRNs and to further lower interest rates, thus bringing about hyperinflation and dollar devaluation.
Much of these multi billions in largesse will be dumped into the coffers of Wall Street, Defense, bankrupt airlines, insurance companies and into the willing arms of debt-ridden third-world countries in the form of debt repudiation (forgiveness). Call it bribery, in order to get these often reluctant nations to join our coalition of "freedom fighters" in "the war against terrorism".
2) Paul Wolfowitz, deputy Defense secretary, promised that the US will launch "sustained military strikes against those behind the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington". He said that the "military retaliation would continue until the roots of terrorism are destroyed."
This bit of saber rattling was seconded by select NATO allies (especially Britain), and by our chief ally in the Middle East, Ariel Sharon, while Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld, with the blessings of Pres. Bush 11, is activating thousands of national guard and reservists, not only to guard the vulnerable airports, but to do fly-overs of our Nation's capital in F16s from the North Dakota Air Guard. Other National Guard units are being jockeyed into potential combat "hot spots" throughout the Middle East/South Asia and the Balkans.

Following is a summary of the near-unanimous views of the assembled military and civilian pilots concerning certain critical factors relating to the WTC/Pentagon hit of 9-11 Troubling questions arose about the alleged pilot-hijackers of the four aircraft, who were supposedly trained on Cessna aircraft over the past year at fields in Florida and Oklahoma. One General officer remarked, "I seriously question whether these novices could have located a target dead-on 200 miles removed from takeoff point...-- much less controlled the flight and mastered the intricacies of 11FR (instrument flight rules) -- and all accomplished in 45 minutes."
The extremely skillful maneuvering of the three aircraft at near mach speeds, each unerringly hitting their targets, was superb. As one Air Force officer -- a veteran of over 100 sorties over North Vietnam -- explained, "Those birds (commercial airliners) either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being maneuvered by remote control."
Another pilot warned that "we had better consider whether electro-magnetic pulse or radio frequency weapons were used from a command and control platform hovering over the Eastern Seaboard... I'm talkin' AWACS."
Another comment "If there was an AWACS on station over the targeted area, did it have a Global Hawk capability? I mean, could it convert the commercial jets to robotic flying missiles?
A hotly debated question Who would be in command of such na Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)? Were they Chinese -- Russians -- Saudis -- Israelis -- NATO ? All of these countries possess AWACS-type aircraft. All (except the Saudis) have the capability to utilize electro-magnetic pulsing (EMP) to knock out on-board flight controls and communications of targeted aircraft, and then, to fly them by remote control.
One of the Air Force officers explained that we had already flown a robot plane the size of a Boeing 737 across the Pacific to Australia -- unmanned -- from Edwards AF13 in California to a successful landing on an Aussie base in South Australia. It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but is "monitored" (controlled remotely) by a pilot from an outside station.
He explained that the London Economist (20 Sep 2001) published comments from the former CEO of British Airways, Robert Ayling, who stated that an aircraft could be commandeered from the ground or air and controlled remotely in the event of a hijack.

An AP story, dateline Brussels - 7 Oct 01 -- "At Washington's request, NATO will soon deploy surveillance aircraft for anti-terrorist operations in the United States in response to the attacks on New York and Washington, NATO officials said Sunday, an unprecedented use of foreign military forces to defend the U.S. homeland."
The assembled group of pilots debated why we would ask for foreign forces to fly AWACS over our sovereign territory when we have a fleet of 33 of them, of which 28 are stationed in Oklahoma. The debate also centered on whether such NATO surveillance aircraft were already here prior to 11 September.
Could one of them have commandeered the four airliners?
There seems to be wide discrepancies between what the Federal government is proclaiming -- and their media moguls reporting -- as opposed to the calm and reasoned and rational views of those men who fly the planes and defend the nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
This writer has been a general aviation pilot since 1946. 1 have flown a variety of single engine prop aircraft since, and installed an FAA-approved airstrip here on my farm in 1980. Two local pilots periodically joined me for short hops; one, a Madison County lawyer, a graduate of the Air Force Academy, who flew for the Air Force before coming home to practice law.
The other, Kent Hill, who lives with his wife, Carol, on a farm close to mine, is an American Airlines captain assigned to the European route. He was a lifelong friend of "Chic" Burlingame, They were graduates of the Naval Academy and flew F-4 Phantoms in Vietnam. Both left the Navy 28 years ago and joined American Airlines. Both planned to retire in 2002. Chic was the captain of AA flight 77, a Boeing 757, which departed Washington Dulles for Los Angeles at 8 10 am on I I September, with 58 passengers and a crew of 6. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:41 am.
"We were totally trained on the old type of hijack," Capt Hill said, "where you treat the hijacker cordially, punch a 4-digit code into your transponder to alert ground control you're being hijacked, and then get him where he wants to go, set the plane safely on the ground and let them deal with it on the ground. However, this is a totally new situation... Not one of the planes alerted ground control that they were being hijacked."How come?
"The fact is, all the transponders were turned off on the doomed flights virtually at the same time." Look at their departure times -- two from Logan (Boston), one from Newark, another from Dulles (Washington DC) -- all between 8 am and 8:15.
"Shortly after climb-out to flight level, their transponders are de-activated.. (they are no longer a blip [obs. still appear] on the radar screens). This is something that really needs to be looked into. The only reason we turn them off is so they don't interfere with ground systems when we land."
(Note: Transponders identify a particular aircraft in flight on the radar screens of FAA flight controllers located throughout the country. Various codes are punched into the transponder, one displaying, "I am being hijacked.")
Although there is much talk among the various flight crews, Hill says they are not privy to any of the investigations into the events of I I September. "We're in the dark -- very much so ... They're playing it pretty tight to the vest."
He is convinced none of the pilots had control of their aircraft when they were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The question then becomes, who was really in control?
"Even if I had a gun at my head, I'd never fly a plane into a building. I'd try to put it in anywhere -- a field or a river --and I'd be scaring the hell out of them (the hijackers) by flying upside down first," Hill said.
In fact, the pilot has the best weapon in his hand when threatened with imminent death by a hijacker, namely, the airplane.
Another airline pilot stated. "On hearing a major scuffle in the cabin, the pilot should have inverted the aircraft and the hijackers end up with broken necks."
That none of the four pilots executed such a maneuver points toward the fact that none of them had control of their aircraft, but had been overridden by an outside force, which was flying them by remote control.
As an old and not so bold pilot, I became more convinced that the four commercial jets were choreographed by a "conductor" from a central source, namely an airborne warning and control system (AWACS). They have the electronic capability to engage several aircraft simultaneously, knock out their on-board flight controls by EMP (electro-magnetic pulsing) and assume command and remote control of these targeted aircraft.
As we consider all the options -- and enemies -- who performed this act of war, whether from China, Russia, an Islamic country, or from NATO, we must also consider that the enemy may be within the gates.

If so, then we are dealing with high treason.

Date: October, 23 / 2001
Subj: Overview

Col. Donn de Grand-Pre

I want to start out by responding to that tiny percentage of negative email I receive that accuses me of being anti American. I'm not. I think America is a great place, and the merican people by and large are to be admired.
What I am against is any government that lies to its people. This includes the government of the United States which, contrary to Bill Clinton's comments on the matter, is not the same thing as the country. The country is the people. The country is the land. The country is those who build, teach, heal, grow, manufacture, and along the way raise a family. The United States is not found in the marble buildings along the Potomac. The United States is found in the homes and hearts of 266 million Americans.
The government, its self delusions of grandeur aside, is nothing but a custodian, and a temporary one, hired by the people to care for our nation, and if that custodian fails in that job, like any menial, they should be replaced. Our nation did just that once before, in 1776, and it must be remembered that those who were called "Patriot" were those who stood with the people of the nation, not with the corrupted government.
There is no provision in the Constitution that authorizes the government, as custodian of the nation, to lie to the people. It's just not in there. And yet the government of the United States has been caught repeatedly lying to the people of the nation in recent years, lying about Vince Foster, TWA 800, Waco , Martin Luther King , John F. Kennedy , The Oklahoma City Bombing, and others too numerous to mention. Suffice it to say that if the government of the United States finds itself with a credibility problem, it has only itself to blame.
When the government of the United States lies to the people, it acts illegally and un-Constitutionally and by the strict interpretation of that document ceases to be the legal government of the land. But let us set that aside for the moment and look at why the US Government lies to the people and what such lies have accomplished in the past. Only then can we understand why the reasoning citizen must have serious doubt we are being told the truth by the government in the present case.
Some of the biggest lies told by the government of the United States are those used to initiate a war. Modern pundits keep equating the attacks of 9/11 to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
This is a slippery, indeed dangerous analogy, since it has been proven in recent years, by way of recently declassified documents, that FDR deliberately maneuvered Japan into the attack on Pearl Harbor and kept the Hawaii commanders from knowing of the attack so that there would be plenty of dead bodies with which to enrage Americans into support of a war that as of December 6th, 1941, nobody wanted. American boys, shouting "Remember Pearl Harbor", marched off to war. Many did not come back.
The Spanish/American war was likewise started with deception. The Hearst Newspapers flooded the land with stories of Spanish abuses of the Cuban people; stories which turned out to be fictional and which were published solely to fan the flames of a war, not for the benefit of the Cuban people, but to enlarge American territory and influence.
When USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, the Captain of that ship insisted hat the explosion was not the result of any attack. But he was shouted down by the press, and American boys, shouting "Remember The Maine", marched off to war. Many did not come back. And all because of a lie. In 1975, a review of the evidence by admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of the modern nuclear Navy, concluded that there hadn't been any Spanish mine at all, just as the Maine's Captain had reported. The ships had suffered a fire in a coal bunker, detonating the ship's magazine, imprudently located nearby.
The same with the Gulf of Tonkin. Even as Johnson exhorted the American people to respond to the torpedo attack on the Maddox, Johnson knew there hadn't really been any torpedoes, not had the USS Maddox been as innocent as claimed. American boys again marched off to war. Many did not come back.
Following the Bay of Pigs, which was by any definition an invasion of a foreign nation, the US Joint Chiefs proposed staging fake terrorist attacks that would be blamed on Cuba, to build support for a second invasion.
Of course, there is nothing new about politicians using terror on their own citizens to get what they want. The trick goes back to Roman times, and even Hitler found it useful. So, let's take a moment to push aside those flags being held in front of our eyes like blindfold and take a close look at the current situation.
The United States government, despite nice sounding speeches about Freedom and Democracy (sic, this author should have said, Republics) , has a record of overthrowing actual working Democracies (sic, idem) and supporting outright dictatorships.
The US, for example, backed Cuban Dictator Batista, Chile's Pinochet, the Shah of Iran, and the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos, to name just a few. The US backed these regimes because the dictators were willing to do favors for American multi-national corporations.
Batista, for example, kept the prices of Cuban agricultural products below the prevailing market rate. This made American companies like United Fruit and PepsiCo more profitable, at the expense of the Cuban farmers, who eventually revolted, bringing Castro to power. Castro let the market set the price of Cuban produce, whereupon the United States declared an embargo and invaded at the Bay of Pigs. Then we wonder why the Cuban people may not like us.
Another classic example of US foreign policy as it really is was South America. Chile had a working democracy under Allende. But US corporate interests saw a greater chance for profits if the Democracy (sic This author should have said Republics) were to be replaced by a dictator friendly to US interests.
This led to the US backed coup, complete with torture squads trained by US experts. Henry Kissenger flat out stated that the United States had a right to intervene in any Democracy (sic This author should have said Republics) that voted contrary to American interests, adding, "The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves."
Same deal in Iran. The US Government backed the Shah of Iran. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer (same as in the United States) and the people of Iran revolted, bringing the Ayatollah Khomeini to power. Iran was our friend, now it's our enemy.
The same with Iraq, once our friend, and now our enemy. Indeed, the United States keeps switching sides so often, with the American people expected to follow along like lemmings, that one is reminded of George Orwell's "1984" in which the perpetually warring nations are always changing allegiance, and the war weary people wake up one morning to be told, "Eastasia is our friend. Eastasia has always been our friend. Pacifica is the enemy."
This brings us to Osama Bin Laden.
Osama is the modern equivalent of Orwell's "Emmanual Goldstien", the boogie man on whom the government blames everything. Even though careful observers have long known the United States economy was poised for a major decline, the media is spinning the current economic woes as a direct result of the attacks on the World Trade Towers, in the hopes that the general public will be stupid enough to believe it.
If Orwell is not to your taste, then let's try L. Frank Baum and the "Wizard Of Oz", who used a paper mache' mask to scare Dorothy Gale into doing war with the Wicked Witch of the West, something farm girls would not normally be wise to do. After all, witches have air superiority!
Likewise, Osama appears to be a manufactured monster, designed to scare us into doing things we otherwise would not so, including support a war, cease criticizing the government, and surrender our freedoms.
Contrary to the public media image of Osama, he is not a lifelong religious fanatic. At the time the United States covert intervention in Afghanistan triggered the Soviet invasion, Osama, like the rest of his family, was living a westernized lifestyle. One of Osama's brothers was a business partner with the son of the then vice-president and former head of the CIA, George H. W. Bush.
The CIA needed a front man in Afghanistan to oppose the Soviets, since Vietnam was too fresh a memory for the American people to tolerate another war, especially since the lid had just been blown off of the COINTELPRO scandal , revealing the criminal actions the FBI had engaged in to silence opposition to that war.
So, trained and financed by the CIA, Osama quit being a westernized Saudi and seemingly overnight became a fanatical muslim and financier/leader of the fight against the Soviets, waging an indirect war on behalf of the United States. Osama was a creation of the CIA and we only have the CIA's word that Osama isn't still in their employ. However, as another CIA asset, David Ferrie, pointed out just prior to his own assassination, you don't leave the agency. Once you are in, you are in for life!
Afghanistan is an interesting place. It has natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semiprecious stones, and more opium than the Burmese Golden Triangle. It is also one of the most deadly places on Earth, having destroyed every invading army since the time of Alexander the Great!
Afghanistan also sits on the proposed route for an oil pipeline which would allow the vast oil reserves sitting under the Caspian Sea to be brought to market, and it is no secret that a consortium of American oil companies want to build that pipeline.
However, as John J. Maresca, vice president of international relations, Unocal Corporation, flat out told Congress in 1998, the pipeline would not be built until the Taliban was removed as the government in Afghanistan, even though the United States had installed the Taliban as part of the anti-Soviet strategy.
When one considers the size of the Caspian oil fields, estimated at about 500 years' worth at present rates of consumption, one finds ample motive to start a war of conquest for that wealth. Compared to the trillions of dollars in oil profits which will flow from that pipeline stretching across Afghanistan, the cost of new World Trade Towers and a few thousand lives is a small price to pay to those who lust for wealth beyond dreams of avarice.
Long before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, the United States was already announcing that there would be a war. While the American people were kept distracted by "All Condit All The Time" in the American press, the foreign press was reporting as early as March 2001 that the United States was planning to invade Afghanistan in October. and here it is, October. and here the United States is invading. and just like with FDR, a provocation occurred just when the government of the United States most needed one to anger the people into support of a war for oil.
No sooner had the planes crashed into the World Trade Towers than the media was reporting official statements of suspicion that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks. The FBI issued names of suspected hijackers, none of which appeared on the actual passenger lists, and all based on what the FBI admits were forged IDs using stolen identities.
Moreover, the men used those stolen identities the night before the attacks to visit strip bars, making so much noise that they would have to be noticed, ensuring that the credit card slips using the stolen names would be turned over to police.
When Flight Attendant Madeline Sweeney phoned the ground from her hijacked plane, she gave the seat numbers of the hijackers. The passengers assigned to those seats do not appear on the FBI's list of suspects. Then there was that suitcase, appearing out of nowhere and assumed to have been left off of one of the crashed planes by accident, containing a flight manual, a Koran, and a handwritten letter which any scholar of Islam would recognize was written by someone ignorant of the religion.
In short, the evidence that purports to link the attacks on the World Trade Towers with Osama appears to be planted, with the scene of the crime looking like the set of a cheap detective movie, with a vital clue always carefully positioned within camera view.
Because of the phony IDs, we do not really know who was on those airplanes, or who they worked for.
But it is very obvious who we are all supposed to blame; the people sitting on that oil pipeline right of way!
So great is the rush to war in Afghanistan that Osama has himself almost become secondary in the media campaign to sell us all on hatred of the Afghani people.
Indeed it isn't Osama who terrorizes Americans, it is the American media, waving fear all over the place. Yes, Anthrax is nasty, but would a real anthrax attack harm so few people? More people have been gunned down in Washington DC in the last 6 weeks than have died by anthrax. More people are sick with Dengue fever on Maui than are sick with Anthrax. Yet Anthrax, and the fear it is designed to cause, get the headlines, to keep the public scared, so scared that they cannot think.
Because once the people stop being terrorized by the media and start to think, they'll realize that it makes no more moral sense to bomb the Afghani people over what crimes Osama has done than it makes to bomb people of Chicago over the crimes the mafia does.
And once the American people realize this, they'll start to wonder what the real reason for bombing the Afghani people might be. Then they'll start paying attention to John J. Maresca's comments before congress about that oil pipeline. Then the American people will notice those foreign news articles that announced the US invasion of Afghanistan last spring. Then the American people will realize that the timing of the attacks on the World Trade Towers is just a little too convenient to the already scheduled invasion.
And that is when the American people will realize that, once again, they are being lied to to swindle them out of their support for a war, a war not fought for moral principle but for profit, profit from oil paid for in the blood of our children.

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Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre,
U.S. Army (ret.):
Explosive New 9-11 Revelations and Explanations

The Alex Jones Show
February 25, 04

AJ: He put on a symposium a few years ago that made headlines in major newspapers, in Portugal. We had one of those articles posted. And it says, "Portugal-based investigative journalist has presented The News, with the version of the September 11th attacks that has to-date failed to attract the attention of the international press. The report, compiled by the independent inquiry into the September 11th World Trade Center attack, warns the American public that the government's official version of the events does not stand up to scrutiny."
And the man who put this on was Col. Donn de Grand, who's an American in a 72-hour non-stop symposium, deliberation by a group of military and civilian pilots under the chairmanship of Col. Donn de Grand. After deliberating non-stop for 72-hours, has concluded the flight crews of the four passenger airliners involved in the September 11th tragedy had no control over their aircraft.
They get into how the globalists clearly carried it out. Now, this was two years ago, folks. A very cutting edge... Now the mainstream foreign press has addressed it. And most Europeans believe the U.S. government carried it out. A lot of Americans are now waking up. And talking to this trailblazer, cutting-edge pioneer, Col. Donn de Grand. It's an honor, sir, to have you on the show.
DGP: Hey, Alex, it's good to be aboard.
AJ: We are going to break here in about a minute and a-half. Give folks your bio. Tell us about Col. Donn de Grand.
DGP: Well, you've got part of the name correct. It's a hyphened word, the last name is Grand-Pre.
AJ: Yes, it's Col. Donn de Grand-Pre. That's how I addressed you this morning on the website.
DGP: That's alright.
AJ: The Portugal newspaper just says Col. Don de Grand, so....
DGP: That's okay. I've talked to these guys and they're good and they almost got it correct. I'll give you a quick bio. I entered the military in 1944 as an 18-year-old radio operator, morse code. And I was sent to Burma and China. I was attached to the detachment 101 which was O.S.S.
[Serviço Secreto 2a guerra] and I operated out of Burma. Then later on in Kunming, China, along with such notable people as a tall, skinny gal by the name of Julia Child. She has since put on a little weight and now she's doing television commercials, I guess. But I came back on active duty in 1950 as a commissioned officer, infantry airborne. And I got involved in the Korean fracas for a year-and-a-half until I was wounded. Then I was shipped home for two-years while I recuperated. And then I came back in...
AJ: I'll tell you what, Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, let's stay right there. Let's recap when we get back and go through the rest of your bio. And then launch into this amazing symposium that you put on two-years ago and why you did it in Portugal. So stay with us. His first interview in over a year and we are honored to have Col. Donn de Grand-Pre.
AJ: We are talking to Col. Donn de Grand-Pre and we have a news article about an incredible symposium he put on two years ago in Portugal, covered by a front-page newspaper and magazine and Portugal's other major papers. And a lot of key info came out ' very cutting edge. And this is his first interview since he had a stroke a little over a year ago. It's great to have the Colonel on the show. So, he got into OSS right at the end of World War II, then went into Korea for a year and a half, was wounded, with the airborne. And that's where we left off, Colonel. Please continue with your bio.
DGP: Okay, Alex. Actually I went to work then for Sec. Def. Bob McNamara. He hired me as the chief arms negotiator for the Middle East. And we conducted our business there. We were known as the super salesmen in ISA, International Security Affairs. And over a ten-year period, we sold over a hundred billion dollars worth of military equipment to all comers. And then, you mentioned the interview in Portugal. I didn't actually go to Portugal but on 11 September, actually it was 12 September, I wrote to my friend Gen. Hugh Shelton, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs at that time. He was transited out. And he was replaced by Gen. Richard, what the heck was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs' The name escapes me. He was a four-star Air Force General. And, Myers, I guess, was the name. At any rate, I called together from 16 to 19 September, in the Pentagon area, not in the Pentagon, a group of military, civilian and general aviation pilots. And for three days, we kicked around what actually happened on 11 September. And then the investigator journalists covered that and it was reported in the Portugal news and very accurate. I have the report in front of me and it is quite involved but if you have some questions, fire away, Alex.
AJ: Well, now you got these military officers together and that's the only place I ever saw it get reported on, was on here in Portugal – it talked about the symposium. Of course, I read one of your fine books and we'll talk about that as well a little bit later on in the show and take some calls. But, what was laid out, what I saw in the four-page article, two years ago, has turned out to be very accurate. Tell us about the military officers, the pilots, the civilian pilots that were there and the conclusions that you came to in the 72-hour non-stop meeting. Please go over that for us.
DGP: Okay, Alex, the group of pilots and they will remain anonymous were a wonderful mix of commercial, military and civilian pilots. At any rate, after three days, the decisions were unanimous. And I wrote my 24-page report up and submitted it to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. And that report ultimately got into the hands of the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on 23 January, 2002. The General was U.S. Marine Corp General by the name Peter Pace. And I got a telephone call, 5 March, from one of his horse holders, who is a Colonel Air Force type. He informed me that Gen. Peter Pace had gotten the twenty-four pages and that he and his Sec. had no comment at this time but he used the old Marine Corp lingo, "Semper Fi" or Always Faithful, and we let it go at that. Later on I continued my correspondence with the Vice Chairman and most recently, I got a letter 8 November, 2003 from Peter Pace, to me, carrying on not only about the investigation but about the three books that I have written since that time.
AJ: Now, Colonel, going over your report and the, I guess the committee meeting that you guys had to play out what you believe really happened. Now as more evidence has come out, it shows that that's clearly exactly what happened. Now, they are using 9-11 to turn this country into a total police state. I mean how do you see us turning this around?
DGP: The turning around is not going to be that easy. I look at the final paragraph of this report. And here is what the final paragraph said. "So far the mainstream American news media has failed to publish or broadcast any details regarding the independent inquiry. Similarly, the White House whilst having received a copy of the report has remained silent on its findings."
While we know that a copy, first of all I have to back up a little. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had 500 copies of this 24-page report made and sent out, including, to the White House. And I have to say it was including Pres. Bush. So they got a copy of the report.
AJ: That was Myers at the time.
DGP: That is correct.
AJ: And so, he sent out 500 copies, that would mean that he believed it.
DGP: I'm quite sure that he believed in it. I think that he still believes in it. You can understand the difficulties. The civilian administration, of course, won't recognize it as such.
AJ: How did you find out that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs sent this out?
DGP: I got a telephone call and I think the date was 5 March 2002, stating that at the time, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had no comment but he used the Marine Corp lingo 'Semper Fi', Semper Fidelity 'always faithful'. And that triggered in me further memos and I traded memos with Gen. Peter Pace and Dick Myers and they continued on until November of last year.
AJ: Well that had to be upsetting to Mr. Rumsfeld to have all these, hundreds of your reports flying around the Pentagon.
DGP: (laughs) Yeah, you see there's a definite cleavage between the military of the Pentagon and the civilian hierarchy - and never the twain shall meet.
AJ: Well, there was an article right after 'that you talk about' in mid-2002 in the Washington Times saying the morale in the Pentagon had never been lower. And you would think it would be high right after 9-11 and getting together to fight the enemy. But it said that the officers didn't believe in the "mission" or in the intelligence.
DGP: That is correct. That came out of the Washington Times and I can verify that from Col. Dick Schultz, who is a friend of mine in the Joint Chiefs. Morale was not only low but he said some of the troops are ready to mutiny. If it wasn't for the fact that the government, the civilian hierarchy, has control over retirements, they would probably be blood in the streets by now.
AJ: There was also an article where they panicked in the Washington Times, it was also in the Washington Post, they panicked and flew the officers on jets to luxury vacations and had these focus groups. It even talked about a possible mutiny. People were just totally distraught. What would make them become distraught overnight in the Pentagon?
DGP: It wasn't an overnight thing. You see, as I outline in book 1, and I carry that on in book 2, as well as book 3, we were on the verge of a military coup d'etat. And this was long in the planning and even after the 78 days of bombing Kosovo, it became critical. And we were close to a coup d'etat at that time. In my survey of the reports and the pilots who worked with that, a coup was a possibility. In fact, a coup d'etat was pulled on the morning of September 11th. Only it was an administrative or what we call a cold coup d'etat.
AJ: Or reverse coup d'etat.
DGP: Yes, in fact....
AJ: A counter revolutionary junta.
DGP: Well that is correct. And as we delved into that, we found that the culprits, including Rumsfeld, were part of a neocon group that had been planning this thing for literally years prior to September 11th.
AJ: Absolutely, Colonel, it's just amazing picking your brain. We are going to break here. In talking to your this morning, I was proud to know that you've been a listener to this show for a while.
DGP: Well, I've had a single side band short wave set for about 4 years and I listened variously to Alex Jones, particularly up until about 2-years ago, and as a result of the events of September 11th, I did have a stoke. I'm fully recovered. As I told Alex, I went riding my favorite quarter horse this morning. So I'm back and ready for anything.
AJ: Well that's wonderful Colonel. Okay, we'll break and come back with the Colonel and get into all of this ' and later get to your calls, too. So please, stay with us.

AJ: We'll take some of your calls for Col. Donn de Grand-Pre coming up in the next segment. He's done a lot of great work. I've only read one of his books. Donn, tell us about some of your books, what they cover and how folks can get a copy.
DGP: Okay, I've got three books out, Alex, under the title, Barbarians Inside the Gates, Book 1 was The Serpent's Sting, Book 2 is The Viper's Venom, Book 3 which just came out is The Rattler's Revenge. And I'd like to quote from Book 2, which came out October of 2002. There is a very important paragraph there. It says, "The trigger for the 9-11 activity was the imminent and unstoppable world-wide financial collapse which can only be prevented temporarily by a major war, perhaps to become known as World War III. To bring it off one more time, martial law will probably be imposed in the United States."
AJ: And now we've seen Gen. Eberhart say that that's the next step. Tommy Franks said that's the next step. Are those now chilling statements?
DGP: Yes, they are. This next step will be preceded by what I write up in book 1 "The Serpent's Sting." I wrote of a coming coup d'etat. And this was written in the year 2000. And sure as blazes, it's coming. And it will be preceded by these kinds of things as enunciated by Tommy Franks, among others. So we are in a world of hurt, Alex.
AJ: Now, by a coup d'etat, you mean another intensification of a reverse coup d'etat to keep the people from fighting against the New World Order or do you mean the type that Bill Clinton successfully stopped in his administration?
DGP: Well, I'm talking about the administrative coup d'etat that came off September 11th.
AJ: You're talking about an intensification of the elite in a coup d'etat against America.
DGP: That is correct.
AJ: Well, I mean, it's ongoing. They are federalizing everything, they are militarizing everything, they're engaging in the classic takeover, are they not?
DGP: Yes, there are. And from this, Alex, and I bring this out very clearly in book 3, the only way we can stop it is with the classic counter-coup d'etat where the military steps in. And under the aegis of the military itself, disengaging or disemboweling the civilian hierarchy and taking over and re-running or re-organizing the federal government.
AJ: Now the problem is they've got so many CFR minions in the Pentagon. We know that Clinton had some officers terminated and, in their office, shot multiple times and the rest of it. We know that that happened but the question is how many of the high level officers are on the globalist team?
DGP: I can only say several of the highest level are members now of the Council on Foreign Relations. The important thing to consider is how many of them are sincere in their beliefs as enunciated by the CFR. I believe there are several sleepers and I believe I know some of them personally who are three and four-star generals. They are members of the CFR but "their heart belongs to Jesus," if I can use that expression because they are true Semper Fidelity people. Some of them happen to be Marines. And I'm counting on them to do the right thing. And I bring this out in book 3.
AJ: Absolutely and we'll tell people how they can get those books. I mean I want to carry them but Colonel, your experience in the military, your experience in the intelligence agencies, there's also the danger though obviously in any military movement of that nature that it could be self-serving as well, and set up its own form of wickedness.
DGP: Yes, that's plausible, that's correct. I don't believe it will happen in exactly that fashion. And the thing about a coup d'etat and a counter-coup d'etat is you never know when it's going to happen. You never know exactly who is involved. This is a plus for any planners of a counter-coup d'etat.
AJ: Well, this is certainly dividing the wheat from the chaff. How many people, and we'll get the answer to the question when we get back from your feelers in the Pentagon, how many people in there now know that an element of the global system, a crime syndicate, carried out 9-1 I mean, only an idiot would know, would think they didn't but the point is, this has got to be accelerating the division. And I want to get your take on the pulse of that and we'll take calls when we get back. Stay with us.
AJ: We are talking to Col. Donn de Grand-Pre and he worked in many of the levels of the U.S. military and has put out some really important information. Two years ago, he put out a report in a meeting in a 72-hour deliberation, a group of military and civilian U.S. pilots under the chairmanship of Col. Donn de Grand-Pre. After deliberating non-stop for 72-hours has concluded that the flight crews of the four passenger airliners involved in the September 11th tragedy had no control over the aircraft. And they get into how the military industrial complex clearly, that is elements of it, were in control of this. Colonel, we are going to go to some calls here in a minutes after you cover some other issues with us. But, understand this, my question of what percentage of the officers in the military do you think have finally woken up to the true magnitude of what's going on?
DGP: Well, I'm in personal contact at least on a weekly basis with the Joint Chiefs and other select people. My computation is that 70% of us are with us. That's the higher ranking military, field grade officers, etc. and even the first three grades of the enlisted ' 70% are with us.
AJ: Well, they've had questionnaires, you know, a decade ago, will you fire on U.S. citizens under UN control if the president says so ' and, you know, 74% say no to that. Okay, then how are the globalists getting away with this?
DGP: Sheer bluff, and we can thank many of the neocons who are now in power in the Defense Dept. particularly. They get away with it because they try it out and see if anybody will salute the flag and that's the way it goes.
AJ: So basically, they wrap their un-American agenda in a flag and the general public buys it so the military has to sit there and take it.
DGP: They do, yes, and I think those days are coming to an end. The military ain't going to take it any longer.
AJ: How did the military ever get convinced to use depleted uranium in areas where there is going to be troops?
DGP: To put what Alex?
AJ: Well, yeah, the military gets treated like dog meat. You've got the depleted uranium, Colonel, where they spray the depleted uranium everywhere where the troops breathe it at 1900 times safe levels. How can the Pentagon put up with that?
DGP: Well, the DU rounds are over-played, first of all. They aren't that potent and secondarily, we must consider that weapons of mass destruction have already been used by some of the opposition in the period February of 1991. Weapons of mass destruction, including low-yield nuclear weapons.
AJ: Okay, can you break that down for us?
DGP: Well, I break it down in the time frame that we had satellite images of rounds or missiles being fired from the Negev desert toward Baghdad. That's 600 miles distance. And six or eight of the rounds came in. That was February of 1991.
AJ: Are you saying that the Israelis used miniaturized nuclear weapons?
DGP: Yes sir. That's what I'm saying, in plain English.
AJ: Well I remember, I know they bragged that they had a lot of really sophisticated miniaturized nuclear weapons, of the little mini-frogs, or whatever. But and I know there were these giant mushroom clouds on the news. They'd say, "Oh, that's not a nuke. That's just a weapons depot." But you are saying that it is common knowledge at the Pentagon that Israel was firing nuclear weapons at Iraq?
DGP: That is correct.
AJ: Oh, so that's where all this high-level radiation is emanating from?
DGP: That is correct. And I have verification of that. I think it's in book 2. And I think it will stand up in most scrutiny.
AJ: Well, I know your work on September 11th certainly has. Do you think the globalists are going to have the will to carry out another massive attack here in the U.S. to try to get control back over the population and get their agenda back on track? Or do you think they've calculated, computed as you said, that that will blow up in their face because so many people now know who the real terrorists are?
DGP: That's a two-prong question, Alex. I think it deserves a studied answer. The only thing I can say is I'm not sure how it will turn out. But it is very dangerous.
AJ: From watching the globalists, I think they had a plan, they are still following a plan but I think they are shook-up. I think, from the evidence, in fact I know from the evidence, that a lot of things they planned haven't gone according to schedule and so they don't know what to do right now.
DGP: This is correct. I think it's personified in the persona of the Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. They almost got him in Baghdad when they fired the salvo, one night, of weaponry and they scared Paul Wolfowitz off. He's ready to resign or get the hell out.
AJ: You think that was U.S. forces doing that?
DGP: I believe it. It was very well planned again and ..
AJ: Yeah, only U.S. forces would know that he would be there. Yeah.
DGP: That is correct. And the precision of those weapons that came into the hotel. There were eleven rounds in all and I can speak from authenticity that they scared the hell out of Paul Wolfowitz. And probably, C. Paul Bremer, or whatever his name is.
AJ: Why does the Pentagon hate Wolfowitz?
DGP: Wolfowitz has been in this game since 1974. I was still on active duty when I met him in 1974 and he was coming on strong even then. And along with him, Richard Perle and a couple of the others who are now known as neoconservatives.
AJ: Now Perle had the nickname as the crazy and the prince of darkness. Is that correct?
DGP: That is correct.
AJ: Why was he known as the prince of darkness?
DGP: I can't answer that directly. He was a snake to begin with but nothing was ever straight forward as far as Richard Perle was concerned. I introduced book 3 two quotes stating that Richard Perle is a madman. And it goes on from there.
AJ: Well he is a madman. He was at a press dinner last year and, again, giggling and laughing about how we are going to have World War III, we are going to nuke everyone, ha, ha, ha. And then he goes, "Isn't that impressive" and started grabbing on some women. I mean, he's a complete lunatic.
DGP: That is correct. Richard Perle's days are numbered. I don't know if he realizes it but so many of these so-called neocons, you'll notice now, that they are very quiet indeed. They are not really surfacing anymore, including Dick Cheney.
AJ: Yeah, why is Dick Cheney been literally hiding under a bunker?
DGP: He's been hiding under a bunker most of the time since September 11th.
AJ: And, by the way, it has come out that he took control of NORAD and was saying something in the U.S. ultra-secret bunkers, that he was on loud-speakers ordering people to follow his orders. He had to physically take control of something, from my sources, it was the fact that they were going to go ahead and shoot the aircraft down. That's what I've got from lawyers who represent military officers. We know he was in control through even during the hijackings, the supposed hijackings. What do you know about that?
DGP: Well, not too much really. I can't speak to that because it's hypothetical and what I try to stick to are the cold hard facts.
AJ: Well, Colonel, we know he did take control of the bunkers. I just don't know what he said, according to ABC News but according to my sources which have been very accurate, he was ordering a stand down.
DGP: Yes, I can believe it but again, it's supposition and I still haven't been able to figure out what makes Dick Cheney tick.
AJ: So, well then why is he hiding in a bunker? Why is he at the Naval Observatory in a bunker most of the time?
DGP: I think that that is what he considers to be the safest place at the moment. He's basically a coward and this too will come out. I feel that Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, both of them, their days are numbered.
AJ: Okay, so politically more and more corruption coming out, more and more of their criminal activities coming out, serious issues. Colonel, how do folks get your books, the three-part series?
DGP: Okay, the book is easy to come by. My incomparable daughter Doneva is the publisher of these books and they are turning out top-grade, library quality books. Books 1, 2, and 3 ' "Barbarians Inside the Gates." They can be obtained by writing to post office box 1124, Madison, Virginia 22727. And send it in care of Grand-Pre Publishing, Ltd. And for the price of $30, you can get book 1. $30 again is book 2. And then for book 3 that just came out and it's a big book, 608 pages, we've had to up the price to $45.
AJ: Alright, these are thick books, jam-packed and the address is PO 1124, Madison, Virginia. And that zip code again'
DGP: 22727.
AJ: Alright and does that $30 include the shipping?
DGP: No, it really doesn't. For the books and we send them all out priority special handling, that's runs $3.85 a book.
AJ: Okay, got you. Alright we'll give that out again a little bit later. So let's go ahead and take some calls.

AJ: All right, 8 minutes, 30 seconds into this third hour. Again I'm Alex Jones, your host. We'll have our guest with us for another twenty-five minutes or so, then I'm going to get into this big stack of news that we have not detailed yet. Believe me it's all very important. Our guest is Col. Donn de Grand-Pre. Honored to have him on the show. He's the author of a three-part series of books, "Barbarians Inside the Gates." And real quick, John in New York, you had a question about 9-11.
John: It's not a question. I want to make a comment. I was in the Air Force. My career field was radar operations and I was assigned to the Air Defense Command. The airliners turned around at Erie, Pennsylvania and were off-course for approximately one-hour, at the wrong altitude, at the wrong speed, without radio contact and it is absolutely insane for anybody to believe that could have happened unless people were told to stand down.
AJ: Well, Payne Stewart, in 18 minutes had five F-16s around him in the middle of no where. In the most sensitive air corridor in the world, the eastern coast there, D.C./ New York, with these four planes all over the map. And they know there's been hijackings and Dick Cheney's in control. Everything's standing down and ...
John: The fighters that were stationed in Virginia, just across the border from Washington, D.C., could have been flying at bust speed, which is max speed, they could have intercepted those planes in 15 minutes and saved all that tragedy. And the second airplane was 15 minutes behind the first airplane. So to think they didn't do anything about the second one makes it even more ludicrous. So, terrific guest; terrific show. Thanks for taking my call.
AJ: All right, and again, we don't even do this justice to focus on one area. I mean we've got all the public officials being told not to go to New York, the insider trading by the CIA, the Bushes protecting the bin Ladens. Colonel, do you want to comment on that?
DGP: Well, what I was trying to get through here, John has done a beautiful job of laying it all out here on 911. What I want to carry away is that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs himself has agreed, there were no hijackers. There were no cell phone calls. Everybody aboard that aircraft, pilots and crew, were unconscious within 8 to 18 minutes after take-off. And you can take it from there. I've got it covered in books 2 and 3, what actually happened.
AJ: So, they're knocked out and then the remote control takes place and the rest is history.
DGP: Yeah, there was remote control and .. yes.
AJ: By the way, people don't believe they have that. Kennedy's oldest son, JFK's big brother, died in a chase plane with remote controlling in a bomber loaded with explosives as a drone in 1944.
DGP: That is correct.
AJ: So this very old technology, folks. And for people that are in total denial, it's ridiculous. Let's go ahead and talk to Wayne in Virginia. Wayne, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Wayne: Yes sir, thank you. I have a two-part question. The first part is, Colonel Donn de Grand-Pre, could you play the instructor with us ground-pounders for a little while and tell us why, from an airmanship point of view, the maneuvers the aircraft performed were just inexplicable and bordering on the impossible from a pilot's point of view?
DGP: Yes, let me get that real quick for Wayne from Virginia. These planes were being piloted by remote control, probably an AWACs aircraft taking over that airplane or airplanes or drones, unmanned drones. And flying them at 5 and 8 G-force that no pilot could withstand. So, in short, and if you read books 2 and 3, you will discover how and why this came about.
Wayne: The second part of my question is after 9-11, our Congressman from down here, Randy Forbes spoke at a Veterans' Foreign Wars Hall about how close he was to the Bush and Rumsfeld cabal and how before 9-11 he had a briefing at the White House where they were told they were expecting something big from Afghanistan. And he also in his discussion, there were about 200 or 300 people there, it is recorded on film. And my notes are very clear on this. He also said they were following other aircraft out over the ocean. Do you have any knowledge of that? That is something that I have not heard discussed at all about 9-11.
DGP: No, but this comes under speculation now. And I'm telling you that we are knowledgeably speculating. Those aircraft carrying crew and passengers went over the Atlantic and that was all she wrote. [Crosstalk]
AJ: Yeah, you remote control the original planes out, then your loaded up drones attack. And the biggest and oldest newspaper in Spain just came out, three weeks ago, and they looked at the bottom of one of those jets and there's some type of giant belly attachment. It's clearly a modified aircraft.
Wayne: Can I ask one final question?
AJ: Yes.
Wayne: That your line of discussion here, the Colonel in the past few minutes, has just opened up. You said earlier that you expected when push comes to shove that this 70% of general and field grade officers are going to say that's it. Well the enterprise that we are discussing here of taking regularly scheduled civilian airlines out and ditching them in the ocean and putting in their places aerial bombs....
AJ: Yeah, that is push coming to shove.
Wayne: That is it. Why aren't these people coming forward now'
AJ: Let me say this. We know because, folks I don't want to give too much detail out. I've talked to lawyers. I've talked to them. We know hundreds of high level officers have leaked everything we are now learning about today. So, I think that this caught a lot of people unawares. Colonel, do you want to comment on that?
DGP: Well, the only thing I can say is that let's consider that second aircraft that hit the World Trade Center. It did have a control device on the belly of the 757. That aircraft was unmanned and went in and blew up as a diversion. And something else happened. This was a sideshow.
AJ: I understand but going back to, we know they had bombs in the buildings, it's now admitted, but going back to what the caller said, your saying these elements in the military when push came to shove are going to stand up. Well, I would say that 911 was the globalists pushing. So, where's the shove? That's his question.
DGP: Well this will come. It's going to be in the form of a counter-coup d'tat. You understand that a coup d'tat was pulled on September 11th by the civilian hierarchy. [crosstalk] Say again?
Wayne: God grant that it would come soon.
DGP: Well, we, we, yes it probably will.
Wayne: They are talking about going into Syria now.
DGP: Don't believe it. There is a new ballgame there and I can't go into it right now. But Syria is going to be something else entirely involving NATO forces. And I can't go into that much right now.
AJ: Okay, thanks for the call, Wayne. Let's talk to Diane in South Carolina. Diane, go ahead.
Diane: Hi, before I asked my question. Please ask Don de Grand-Pre, Sir, to give us a phone number so we can contact him. And I have read the first book. It is awesome. It's like reading history and just watching everything unfold.
AJ: Yeah, he wrote about it in 2000 and then it happens a year later.
Diane: So, here's my question. On Thursday of last week in the Courier in South Carolina, they had a small article on the Russians who are now doing this World War III practice.
AJ: Yeah, the Russians are doing nuclear attack drills on us ' our little buddies, you know.
Diane: Okay, they had in there about a maneuverable nuclear-tipped weapon for offensive purposes...
AJ: Yeah, they say they've got a missile that nothing can stop...
Diane: It's an airplane that goes five times the speed of sound. This was in the paper.
AJ: Well, they've had that for a while. You want to comment on that?
Diane: And my question is how is the foreign military in the United States vs. our military going to respond? And it looks like Russia is making some moves now. What do you think about Russia?
AJ: Yeah Colonel, that's a good question. I have all the articles, I have the documents they really are trying to integrate foreign and East German, Czech Republic, others into our military. How is that going?
DGP: It's probably going. I can't give you detail. You are bordering on certain elements that I can't talk about. But we have to consider the Russian aspect of these weapons as being in essence propaganda. We have the same type of unmanned aircraft drones, etc. that will fly 5 times the speed of sound.
AJ: They will do a lot more than that.
DGP: Yeah, but Diane let's not worry too much about the Russians.
Diane: Well, is there a non-gravitational type airplane or something?
AJ: No, they've got regular propulsion air. .. look, look Ma'am, they claim the SR 71 Blackbird in flight in '55, in service in '59, was the fastest jet in the world. It is not and it cruises at mach 3. Okay, I mean they got jets that will just...
Diane: I know we are way behind what they are telling us. What I'm thinking...
AJ: Do you want to comment on that?
Diane: And ask him to give out his number for us, too.
DGP: Let me give you a home phone where you can contact me at Grand Pre Publishing Ltd. at 540-547-2996. And that's my home phone. It's a private phone and you can call me anytime.
AJ: Okay, now we know that you had a stroke a few years ago worrying about this so much. So folks, don't bug him too much. Hey, I feel like I'm going to have one everyday worrying about this.
DGP: I can handle just about anything including this 15-year old gelding that I was riding this morning.
AJ: Okay, well that's good sir. We'll be right back. We'll take more calls.

A J: All right folks. Here's the deal, we are going to take 5 more calls for our guest. Then let our guest go. I really appreciate him coming on. Then I'm going to cover a bunch of news that we haven't really detailed yet. It's very, very important and recap some top stories as well. Diane had asked your phone number and if you want to give it out, that's fine. Folks, if you want to talk to the Colonel, it's 540-547-2996. And before he leaves us in the next segment, we'll give you the mailing address again to get the books. Let's talk to John in Tennessee. John, you are on the air, go ahead.
John: Colonel, did a cruise missile hit the Pentagon or a Global Hawk or a drone business jet?
DGP: You are talking about what hit the Pentagon, right John? It was a cruise missile. It could have been a Global Hawk. It was not a commercial aircraft.
AJ: That's what the eye-witnesses said and the evidence shows. And do people realize that this was staged at the Pentagon? I mean obviously it's in an area that's under renovation and then all this happens. Do people at the Pentagon? are they still buying the official story, Colonel?
DGP: Well, I can't speak for the rest of them but I'm certainly not buying that. And I think I've got the full story in book 3. And that's it. It was a diversionary hit for strategic reasons and it didn't matter whether it was a pilotless drone or a Global Hawk missile. It wasn't a commercial aircraft.
AJ: It's the most surveilled area in the world but no video of it. Witnesses said they saw a small aircraft.
DGP: No, they did not. We have a video that purports to show a firing of a launch probably from a Global Hawk or an unmanned aircraft missile but it certainly wasn't a commercial aircraft.
John: And was United Airlines Flight 93 shot down in Pennsylvania by a U.S. or NATO pilot and was that what was supposed to hit the Pentagon?
DGP: No, that was hit at 10:00 hours. It was taken out by the North Dakota Air Guard. I know the pilot who fired those two missiles to take down 93.
John: Was it shot down because the airline pilots actually regained control of the hijacked auto-pilot or was that to replace the unmanned drone that was shot down?
DGP: No, it was the aircraft, you see, had totally unconscious people on board. There were no hijackers. At 9:35, the Happy Hooligans, the Air Guard flying the F-16s were ordered to take that plane out. And they took it out from 9:35 to 10:00.
John: Were there any refueling jets involved in that operation?
AJ: Hold on a second, John. The question is why would they deviate from the plan of flying it into the Capitol? Why did the globalists decide to go ahead and shoot the plane down?
DGP: There had been an adjustment to the controls, probably by an AWACs aircraft flying overhead, again, remote control. And it was on a course for either the Capitol or the White House. And at this stage, you don't know. The Happy Hooligans came in and took care of it.
AJ: Do you think they were not following orders?
DGP: Who, the Happy Hooligans?
AJ: Well, yeah, you've got Cheney running around, we've got the stand down taking place.
DGP: Well, this is correct, but you see the Adj. General of the State of North Dakota gave the command to take it out. And, by God, they took it out. And I've got the full story in the book.
AJ: That's a good thing they did that. You said you talked to the pilot. Think about this folks. Imagine what Bush would have gotten if he would have had that plane fly into the Capitol? Imagine the police state we would be in right now.
DGP: Yes, yes, yes, indeed.
AJ: And so you had to have the diversionary blast at the Pentagon so no one would get suspicious and think it was a military coup.
DGP: Perhaps, perhaps.
AJ: John, does that answer your question?
John: Was there any refueling tankers used by the North Dakota Air Guard and what tanker wing was used?
DGP: I don't know about the aircraft itself. I don't know about refueling. They came off base in Langley and it was just a few minutes out from Langley to the intercept over Pennsylvania. It was just a matter of minutes.
AJ: Colonel, how did you get in touch with the pilot who shot the plane down?
DGP: It turned out to be an old friend of mine from the Air National Guard and this is my home state of North Dakota. And I attended the ceremony in North Dakota and watched the Adj. General the pilot being decorated a year later for this activity that happened on 9-11 with Flight 93.
AJ: Welcome back. We are about to go back to the Colonel and his amazing revelation of the North Dakota National Guard that had been moved to Langley Virginia a few months before 9-11. And then went in there and shot down that Flight 93 over Pennsylvania. He says he's talked to the pilot. His info checks out. I've been researching what he's been doing for years. Before we go back to our guest and 4 final calls from Scott and June and Warren and Greg, and we'll go to you quick too, because we've got a bunch of news we need to get to. Colonel, before we take these four final calls, go over that a little bit slower for folks. That's a big deal. You talked to the pilot, a friend of yours, who shot down Flight 93 that was going for the Capitol or the White House. And go over that for folks.
DGP: Okay, quick rundown. They were out of Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota. A bunch, this 119 Fighter Group and they are called the Happy Hooligans. They are probably the best interceptors that we have in the country. They were moved to Langley Air Force Base from Hector Field down to Southern Virginia. And when the klaxon horn went off at 9:35, those two pilots put down their coffee and shot into their aircraft and took off. They didn't know where they were going initially but by 10:00 hours, they had rendezvoused over Southern Pennsylvania. That's about 250 miles in just a matter of minutes and engaged 93 with two side-winder missiles. And they accomplished their objective. Now Hector Field, I use to fly out of Hector Field some time ago. I know most of those pilots. I could name names. I know the National Guard Adj. General. And they were decorated about a year later and I have the full write up of that story in my book.
AJ: Yeah and it's just ignored by the media. I have that article, too. And later, well okay, it was a missile, well there wasn't "Let's Roll." It's all made-up theatre for the public and we buy it like a bunch of saps.
DGP: That is correct.
AJ: It's incredible. Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Florida. Scott, go ahead.
Scott: Hi, how you doing?
AJ: Fine.
Scott: Earlier in the show, you mentioned that both Cheney and Wolfowitz might be in some trouble. I was wondering if they'd been serving the real rulers of the world, the thirteen families or whatever they are, and been dutifully pushing the agenda for world government....
AJ: Yeah, obviously they are just minions, [crosstalk] policy wonk puppets, so you're saying.....
Scott: If they've been doing a good job for them, why are they in danger vs. a Powell or Rice or Bush, or all they all in danger?
AJ: Or in danger of Rockefeller?
Scott: Right.
DGP: Cheney is closest to the action. He was probably most involved in all of the details of September 11th and he'll be one of the first to fall. So I predict, I predict that Cheney will be out of here inside of, well prior to the election.
Scott: Is that because he knows exactly what happened or because ...
DGP: Yes, he knows exactly what happened.
Scott: You have to eliminate all those people.
DGP: Several, yes.
AJ: Now, again...
Scott: Wouldn't that serve as a warning to anybody who would serve them in the future?
DGP: Perhaps but these guys can only understand one ingredient and that is force. And that's why it has to emanate from the military. And military force in the persona of military tribunals will takeover. And Cheney, as I reiterate, is toast.
AJ: But they are the ones who are creating the tribunals. I will say this. Gen. Rick Bacchus, over a year ago, Rhode Island native, the head of Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, he resigned and said, "I'm not going to torture innocent people." Now that hardly got any press. We have two-star generals quitting. We have a lot of people not going along with this already.
DGP: And there will be a lot more, Alex.
AJ: Pardon me?
DGP: There will be a lot more people either resigning or retiring. And yet it's going to come out and there will be military tribunals.

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